5G is a Weapon

This is the first 20 minutes of Sasha Stone’s well-researched documentary on the established, factual effects of 5G radiation on organic organisms, including humans. Please share and inform your local representatives and town councils. Unless changed, this technology will kill us. Continue reading 5G is a Weapon

Come to the Altar and Meet a Man

If you’ve not committed your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, and you’ve never entered into the family of God, stay tuned and I’ll share with you shortly how this can be your day of salvation. If you’re reading this right now and you haven’t accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and you haven’t accepted His holy sacrifice on the cross to pay for your sins, it is absolutely impossible for you to have a solid understanding of His Word, the Bible (scriptures), where it’s also impossible to find protection from the Demonic realm and … Continue reading Come to the Altar and Meet a Man

The Disinfection of America

In the continuing work of draining the swamp, President Trump is cleaning out the top military personnel. General Mark Milley, head of the Army and Joint Chiefs of Staff, has begun a purge of disloyal US military officers—that includes US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Willie Newson, the commander of 165th Airlift Wing that provides tactical airlift of personnel, equipment and supplies worldwide whose forces would be responsible for returning to United States hardened combat forces to oversee martial law, being arrested for child sex crimes; US Navy Vice Admiral Scott A. Stearney, the commander of all US military combat forces … Continue reading The Disinfection of America

Very Corrupt FISA Court Judge Boasberg Connected to Judge Jon Steven Tigar

Excellent research by Patriots4Truth.org. via Very Corrupt FISA Court Judge James E. Boasberg Connected to Judge Jon Steven Tigar “Judge Jon Steven Tigar is a partisan political hack whose backers are all globalists. He has a life-long relationship to a very corrupt FISA court judge James E. Boasberg (Tigar’s globalist handler?), who attended his confirmation. He appears to be yet another globalist soy boy. “Tigar failed to disclose in his ruling against President Trump that he has defended Latin American citizens in U.S. courts previously (1999), and was a member of a self-avowed anti-conservative organization.” Let’s make sure our Congress … Continue reading Very Corrupt FISA Court Judge Boasberg Connected to Judge Jon Steven Tigar

Caravan Cover and Leftist Treason

This whole border issue is about Democrats needing to update the existing human portfolio of immigrants with new hungry and vulnerable arrivals. This is the pinnacle of human trafficking: the merch isn’t sex, but votes. Prostitution through immigration politics. VP Pence was informed by the prez of Honduras in a phone call that the caravan was organized by leftist organizations and financed by Venezuela. The caravan is infiltrated by terrorists – a claim that isn’t new! Latin America infiltrated by ISIS, border trafficking routes used to import terrorists, and terrorists posing as refugees is a claim made by Homeland Security … Continue reading Caravan Cover and Leftist Treason

What Are They Pushing?

There is a push to curb the mosquito population in order to lessen instances of West Nile disease in the US. The main way many counties have dealt with this issue is by spraying vast swathes of land with the bug-killer du jour. Organophosphate pesticide exposure from working fields in Southen California was a hot topic on my college campus in 1982. Many farm workers would develop strange symptoms – droopy face, inability to use a hand or arm. They would also die in their forties. And we help them out when we attempt to keep our lawns tidy with … Continue reading What Are They Pushing?

The Battle of Kavanaugh Hill

From this article: Spring, 1775. The British subjects living in these American colonies at this time had reached their breaking point because their King and government in London weren’t listening to them anymore—even worse was these people continually suffering indignity upon indignity… by a King and government who couldn’t care less about them, taxed them to the point of poverty, and was preparing to take all of their guns away. These British subjects had formed themselves into various groups their King and government called rebels, and whose various names included “Sons of Liberty” and “Minutemen”. On the evening of 18 … Continue reading The Battle of Kavanaugh Hill

Kavanaugh Accuser Blasey-Ford Exposed As FBI Operative Working For Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe

From this article: US Federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh accuser Stanford University Psychiatry Professor Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford, aside from her being an instructor at Stanford’s CIA Undergraduate Internship Program, was an operative working for fired FBI Deputy DirectorAndrew McCabe—and who was tasked by McCabe to “coach/instruct” various FBI and US Department of Justice officials on how to subvert results on polygraph exams through the use of hypnosis to create “artificial memories”—one of whose subjects was Blasey-Ford’s high school friend Monica McLean, who served for 24 years in the US Department of Justice, but who has now been exposed to the US … Continue reading Kavanaugh Accuser Blasey-Ford Exposed As FBI Operative Working For Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe


The question is not whether you want to live under martial law; the question is whether you want to continue to live under Obama’s “deep state martial law” where the media, the courts, the prosecutors, the tech giants, the IRS and every other element of the deep state is targeting conservatives and Trump supporters for complete destruction. Continue reading NATIONAL ALERT