New Year, New Mindset

From sermon 1/3/21 by R. Powell The King of Kings went into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey, a beast of burden. 1. The greatest blessings come from the greatest burdens you bear. [Acts 17:25]2.  Jesus calls & uses the unqualified.[Luke 19:30]3. If you carry His burden, He does the heavy lifting!  There is a Savior who will help you. [Is.53:4-5]4.  The race is not to the swift.  The battle is not to the strong, but to him who endures to the end. [Ecc. 9:11]5.  You carry the burden, but remember Jesus gets the praise.  I’m just the donkey … Continue reading New Year, New Mindset

Christians Who Hate Trump

The following is excerpted from I’m going to get some flack here, but my question is why a Christian can hate what’s GOOD for America? It is their hate—strange for professed Christians—that dulls their ability to see the inaccuracy of their comments and their myopic views… How could you not question Obama’s Christianity? Obama begged the question by dropping the Christian card whenever it suited him (something Trump never does). Meanwhile, Barack fought for same sex marriage, late term abortion, and was the most Biblically hostile president in our history. Click on this link to see the list of … Continue reading Christians Who Hate Trump

Abduction Theology

As the movie “Alien Intrusion” comes out in limited distribution, I’ve read some reviews, not all of which were loving the spiritual aspect as depicted in Gary Bates’ book and movie.  The trailer mentions Joe Jordan of CE4—a man whose research brought me to the following conclusion: If alien abductions halt at the name of Jesus, it does not necessitate that the entities are demons, but it does prove they are under His authority.  From here, I refer the reader to my article of March, 2016:  The Spiritual Component in Alien Abductions, in which I discuss the very real events (as opposed to … Continue reading Abduction Theology

The Assault on Free Speech

Excerpted from the esteemed Jack Niewold. Charlottesville was many things, but it was one thing more than anything else. It was the testing of a great principle of our democracy that is under assault. This is, of course, the question of freedom of speech. Remember what happened in Charlottesville. A group of white nationalists applied for and received a permit to hold a rally. Sure, they knew this would provoke a reaction, but what they did was not only legal, but supposedly protected by city authority. Yet, from what many witnesses have said, the police presence melted away when another … Continue reading The Assault on Free Speech

Elul and 40 Days of Preparation

Elul is traditionally known as “the month of repentance,” and it is a time when people all over the world prepare for the High Holy Days. In the Jewish tradition, the month of Elul is a time of repentance in preparation for the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The word “Elul” is similar to the root of the verb “search” in Aramaic. The Talmud writes that the Hebrew word “Elul” can be understood to be an acronym for the phrase “Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li” – “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” (Song of … Continue reading Elul and 40 Days of Preparation

Reprint: IT’S ABOUT TO GET REAL, Donna Wasson

IT’S ABOUT TO GET REAL By Donna Wasson January 29, 2017 Imagine with me, if you will, living an existence of unspeakable luxury and supernatural power for millions of years. You are an angel of incomparable beauty, talent, and intellect, made to lead your fellow angels in worship of YHWH, who created you. No other angelic being comes close to being your equal, and you enjoy your heavenly station and level of prestige. You inhale the adulation and admiration of lesser angelic beings like incense, and it occurs to you that they should be worshipping YOU in addition to … Continue reading Reprint: IT’S ABOUT TO GET REAL, Donna Wasson

How to Pray for America

This is directly from the National Day of Prayer website. “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” —Psalm 11:3 I believe our nation is in trouble today, probably more than I’ve seen in my lifetime. We are contending with issues that are causing the very foundation of our country to crumble. Our moral and spiritual roots are eroding, the economy is misleading, family life is disintegrating, and political forces are at unprecedented odds. There seem to be very few leaders who will take a stand for God and for His Word.It can be tempting to believe that America has … Continue reading How to Pray for America

Wake Up!

From a brother, Johnny. I’m deeply saddened that most Christians don’t realize how intelligent a creature Satan really is. Not intending to exalt or glorify him one iota he does possess a great deal of Godly knowledge, a knowledge that’s infinitely above the capacity of our tiny mortal brains no matter what percent of them we actually use. Jesus went out of his way warning us of his cunning and deceptiveness and Satan is coming at us from fronts we didn’t even know we had while most Christians are pleasantly sitting back on their laurels waiting upon the Rapture to … Continue reading Wake Up!

The Church Must Step Up, Again

Oklahoma Senator James Lankford gave a speech recently (via the Faith and Freedom Coalition), to tell Americans that the work of rebuilding this country starts with the family.  It will take Christians helping the Church to bring about change in America.  The Church must again step up to her calling of helping the family, by doing what she does best—being the hands and feet of Jesus to our neighborhoods and communities.  When the family is supported, the need for government help decreases.  This will start to slowly turn the ship out of the storm and more toward where we want … Continue reading The Church Must Step Up, Again